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The Ivaldi Reading List – Juli 2018

Hierbij een overzicht van de artikelen uit The Ivaldi Reading List van juli 2018. Wil je wekelijks op de hoogte blijven van de Ivaldi Reading List? Schrijf je dan in via: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/ivaldi.

Ruby’s Global Method Cache
Let’s look at one I haven’t yet: Ruby’s global method cache. What is it? How do you set it? How much speed does it give?

When helpful turns into super bad security!
A shortish post partly to point out a bad…no, terrible practise, and in part to remind myself to never do this again!

Our week off from Slack
We collectively took a week off of using our team Slack channels to get a better understanding of how Our week off from Slack | Wildbitwe use Slack and how we should use Slack.

The death of a TLD
On one hand this can be taken as a immense waste of money, a gTLD costs a wopping $185,000 assuming that no one challenges you or objects your application, the process of objection can get very costly.

A one year PWA retrospective
The idea of building a “Progressive Web App” (PWA) is not new, but its definition has changed with the emergence of key technologies like service workers. Now it’s finally possible to build great experiences in a mobile browser.

JavaScript-sprinkled Rails Applications
Using JavaScript sprinkles to load dynamic or user-specific content after the rest of the page is directly served from the cache.

Don’t Step on a Rake, Use Rake::DSL
Over the years I’ve noticed a common mistake where developers do some refactoring to remove duplication and make their Rake tasks readable, but end up causing some unintended side-effects. Let’s take a look at what’s going on, and how we can use a built-in feature of Rake to fix the problem.

Defining Component APIs in React
Over the years, I’ve noticed patterns in how I tend to approach component APIs and building out applications and libraries. The following is a collection of thoughts, opinions, and advice for defining component APIs that are meant to be more flexible, composable, and easier to understand.

Wkhtmltopdf Considered Harmful
TL;DR: replace it with weasyprint. Read on for why.

UIengine 1.0
The UIengine is a workbench for UI-driven development: Create living design systems and pattern libraries.

Powering your Ruby & Rails development with Pry!
Most of what here applies to Plain old Ruby development without Rails, except the last show-model and show-routes helpers, simply use the plain gem 'pry' and start your console with pry , or install pry globally.

The open-plan office is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea
Not because there aren’t people who actually enjoy working in an open office, there are. Quite a few, actually. But they’re in the distinct minority.

Delivering WordPress in 7KB
Over the past six months, I’ve become increasingly interested in the topic of web sustainability. The carbon footprint of the Internet was not something I used to give much thought to, which is surprising considering my interest in environmental issues and the fact that my profession is web-based.

Your Body Text Is Too Small
Body text is the key component in communicating the main bulk of a message or story, and it’s probably the most important element on a website, even if people sometimes read just the headlines.

Pattern Library First: An Approach For Managing CSS
CSS can be hard to manage across a project, especially when you need to include media queries for various breakpoints and fallbacks for older browsers. In this article, we will take a look at using Fractal to manage components which use CSS Grid.

A Bloatless Web
The little essential difference about common polyfilling approaches, is that modern browsers won’t ever even hit a network request, and won’t ever be affected by that document.write pretty nasty operation.

UK researcher says one line of code caused Ticketmaster breach
Well-known British security researcher Kevin Beaumont says the breach of the British operations of American multinational ticket sales and distribution company Ticketmaster, that has led to the possible leak of tens of thousands of credit card details, was caused by the incorrect placement of a single line of code.

How not to structure your database-backed web applications: a study of performance bugs in the wild
How not to structure your database-backed web applications: a study of performance bugs in the wild Yang et al.This is a fascinating study of the problems people get into when using ORMs to handle persistence concerns in their web applications.

JSON Serialization in Rails: A Complete Guide
JSON serialization, why you may need it in your Rails app, and how to implement it in a concise and performant way.

CSS Animations vs Web Animations API
There is a native API for animation in JavaScript known as the Web Animations API. We’ll call it WAAPI in this post.

Using JavaScript modules on the web
JavaScript modules are now supported in all major browsers!
This article explains how to use JS modules, how to deploy them responsibly, and how the Chrome team is working to make modules even better in the future.

Fie is a Rails-centric frontend framework running over a permanent WebSocket connection.

Safely Migrating from Paperclip to Active Storage
Now that Active Storage has been released, Paperclip is being deprecated, creating even more incentive to migrate if you weren’t already considering it.

Making Avengers ID Card In HTML And CSS
In this tutorial, we will build a sci-fi ID card for Avengers. You will learn Flexbox, Nested Flexbox, CSS animations, and a ton of other CSS techniques while building this interesting project.

The Most Successful People Are The Ones You’ve Never Heard Of
The vast majority of successful people who ever lived are people you’ve never heard of. If we are to drill down further and consider happy successful people, it’s almost certain that we haven’t heard of them.

Ivaldi has become a part of ReMark! Read more about it here.