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The Ivaldi Reading List – september 2018

Hierbij een overzicht van de artikelen uit The Ivaldi Reading List van september 2018. Wil je wekelijks op de hoogte blijven van de Ivaldi Reading List? Schrijf je dan in via: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/ivaldi.

Jira Software now integrates with Bitbucket Deployments
In April, we launched Bitbucket Deployments to help teams practicing continuous delivery with Bitbucket Pipelines to track and manage deployments across their environments. For teams with manual steps in their CD pipeline, the Deployments dashboard lets them preview the commits for each release before promoting to the next environment.

GitHub – varvet/pundit: Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes
Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes – varvet/pundit

Procs, blocks and anonymous functions
This is a Big Picture™ post. I will attempt to give you a thorough understanding of how blocks and procs works in Ruby by showing examples and explaining basics. I will also show some examples from other languages, namely Javascript and Lua, in order to really expand on the Big Picture™ in this article.

Hypertext for all
…And when people start learning something new, they perceive the world around them differently. If you start learning how to play the guitar, suddenly the guitar stands out in all the music you listen to…

Yeti Hand Pagination
Words cannot describe…

Super-Powered Grid Components with CSS Custom Properties
A little while ago, I wrote a well-received article about combining CSS variables with CSS grid to help build more maintainable layouts.

Design with Difficult Data
Stop designing for the happy path! Steven Garrity shows how to create more robust layouts by designing with difficult data.

The “Developer Experience” Bait-and-Switch | Infrequently Noted
TL;DR: we cannot continue to use as much JavaScript as is now “normal” and expect the web to flourish.

PostgreSQL 11 and Just In Time Compilation of Queries
PostgreSQL 11 includes a new component in the execution engine: a JIT expression compiler. A benchmark comparison shows up to 29.31% speed improvements in PostgreSQL 11 using the JIT expression compiler, executing TPC-H Q1 at scale factor 10 in 20.5s instead of 29s when using PostgreSQL 10.

Mark Frömberg – type & design
I am collecting ideas for the interaction of variable fonts and CSS here.

A tour of JavaScript timers on the web
Pop quiz: what is the difference between these JavaScript timers? Promises setTimeout setInterval setImmediate requestAnimationFrame requestIdleCallback. More specifically, if you queue up all of these timers at once, do you have any idea which order they’ll fire in? If not, you’re probably not alone.

Take A New Look At CSS Shapes
In this article, we take a look at CSS Shapes and how to create non-rectangular shapes using images, gradients, and basic shapes. We also discover how the new tools in Firefox make editing shapes easier.

GitHub – basecamp/marginalia: Attach comments to ActiveRecord’s SQL queries
Attach comments to ActiveRecord’s SQL queries.

Occams Record | occams-record
The missing high-efficiency query API for ActiveRecord.

Pacman pagination
Ingenious 🙂

The Layouts of Tomorrow
I went over to dribbble in search of fresh webdesign ideas – how hard is it to build a non-standard layout, given the modern CSS tools we have today? An experiment on CodePen.

Rails… Still?!?!
At the Amsterdam Ruby meetup Chris Salzberg has us metaprogramming and PJ Hagerty explores a number of Ruby and Rails frameworks.

What’s New in PHP 7.3 (Coming Soon)
PHP 7.3 is knocking on our door and with it comes new features, deprecations, and bug fixes. Check this in-depth overview of what’s new in PHP 7.3!

Babel 7 Released · Babel
Babel 7 is a huge release: we’ve made it faster, created an upgrade tool, JS configs, config “overrides”, more options for size/minification, JSX Fragments, TypeScript, new proposals, and more!

The Cost Of JavaScript In 2018
Building interactive sites can involve sending JavaScript to your users. Often, too much of it. Have you been on a mobile page that looked like it had loaded only to tap on a link or tried to scroll..

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