The Ivaldi Reading List – oktober 2018
Hierbij een overzicht van de artikelen uit The Ivaldi Reading List van oktober 2018. Wil je wekelijks op de hoogte blijven van de Ivaldi Reading List? Schrijf je dan in via:
Announcing: Our Online Learning Platform Upcase is Now Free!
We’ve got some big news about our online learning platform Upcase, and we think you’re gonna love it!
WordPress 5.0 Beta 1
WordPress 5.0 is slated for release on November 19, and we need your help to get there. Here are some of the big items to test so we can find as many bugs as possible in the coming weeks.
Introducing Twenty Nineteen
Twenty Nineteen will ship with full Gutenberg support. It will include both front and back-end styles, so that users can be fully confident in their site’s appearance when they hit publish.
Hooks at a Glance
Hooks are a new feature proposal that lets you use state and other React features without writing a class. They’re currently in React v16.7.0-alpha and being discussed in an open RFC.
Loads of posts about this…
GitHub – leonardomso/33-js-concepts: 33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know.
33 concepts every JavaScript developer should know.
CSS { In Real Life }
CSS In Real Life is a blog covering CSS topics and useful snippets on the web’s most beautiful language. Published by Michelle Barker, front end developer at Mud and CSS superfan.
How we halved our memory consumption in Rails with jemalloc
Ever noticed that your Rails app is consuming more memory while getting slower? We discuss how switching from malloc to jemalloc saved us memory and sped us up (and how it’s really easy to implement).
Features • GitHub Actions
With GitHub Actions you can automate your workflow from idea to production.
lazy-brush: Smooth canvas drawing with a mouse or finger
Decouple the brush from the mouse, so that the mouse pulls the brush, as if they were connected by a chain.
Programming Sucks
The bridge was designed as a suspension bridge, but nobody actually knew how to build a suspension bridge, so they got halfway through it and then just added extra support columns to keep the thing standing, but they left the suspension cables because they’re still sort of holding up parts of the bridge.
The visual code editor for designing and building digital products—without writing code.
Styling the Gutenberg Columns Block
In this article, we’re going to take a look at some styling conventions for Gutenberg blocks, and then add our own styles for Gutenberg’s Columns block.
GitHub – thisredone/rb: Turns Ruby into a versatile command line utility
Turns Ruby into a versatile command line utility.
Use Cases For Flexbox
In this final article of the series, we wrap up by taking a look at some of the common uses for Flexbox. What should we use Flexbox for, and what it is not so good at?
Evolution of Ruby String – from 1.8 to 2.5
In Ruby, a string is represented as an instance of the String class. This class has highly evolved between Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 2.5. The first difference is that the Enumerable module is included in the Stringclass in Ruby 1.8 when it’s not included anymore in Ruby 1.9.
Upgrading GitHub from Rails 3.2 to 5.2
On August 15th GitHub celebrated a major milestone: our main application is now running on the latest version of Rails: 5.2.1!
Introducing Action Text for Rails 6
Action Text is a brand new framework coming to Rails 6 that’s going to make creating, editing, and displaying rich text content in your applications super easy. It’s an integration between the Trix editor, Active Storage-backed file and image processing, and a text-processing flow that ties it all together. With Action Text, you really shouldn’t ever have to impoverish your users with a vanilla textarea ever again!
Inside look at modern web browser (part 1)
Learn how browser turn your code into functional website from high-level architecture to the specifics of the rendering pipeline.
Taming this In JavaScript With Bind Operator
Dealing with this in JavaScript can be tricky. But what if instead of fight against it we could leverage on it to achieve nice stuff like function composition with virtual methods? This is what we are going to explore in this article about one of the potential upcoming JavaScript features: The Bind Operator.
Tetris is one of the best games from the most popular console of the 1990s. Do you feel tired of with complicated and difficult games?
#to_s or #to_str? Explicitly casting vs. implicitly coercing types in Ruby
We’ll look into difference between explicit casting and implicit coercing in Ruby, and the difference between typecasting Leonard Nimoy and Michael Keaton.
How and why I redesign my portfolio every year
I just pushed the sixth iteration of my portfolio, which builds on from last year’s Korea theme. You can check it out here. I made my very first portfolio website in 2013.
Editor Blocks
Editor Blocks is a unique collection of blocks for the new WordPress Editor (Gutenberg).
First prototype of the solar powered server that runs the new website. The solar charge controller (on the right) is powering the server (on the left) through a USB-cable.
Alias in Ruby – Mehdi Farsi – Medium
So, a call to name or username will call the code defined within the User#fullname method and return the same result. The Module#alias_method method shares the same behavior as the alias keyword but…